
Buyer Personas, Who They are and How They Identify Themselves 

 February 19, 2020

To be able to structure the best digital marketing strategy, able to support the company in maximizing turnover, there are some essential steps that must always be respected. The overall picture will allow us to highlight strengths and major interests, but also gaps and doubts to dispel. Among the essential elements to be able to successfully advance in the vast planet of the web, which is increasingly competitive, there is undoubtedly the correct identification and profiling of what are called ‘buyer personas’.

The importance of defining the target audience

You should always define your target audience. By this, we mean the company’s potential customers, with their interests and specific needs to be met. The ‘buyer persona’ is nothing more than a detailed representation of the latter. We describe the user, analyze their habits and the composition of a typical day, and try to focus on them:

  • wishes ,
  • goals ,
  • doubts ,
  • Challenges to face.

Identifying buyer personas allows you to customize ad hoc and more easily the contents of a digital strategy. Knowing who we are going to relate with will allow us to calibrate the messages we intend or need to convey.

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The rules for defining the profiles of buyer personas

The first thing to do to proceed with the creation of buyer personas will be to carry out a very careful and detailed study of those who are already acquired customers. It is necessary to fully understand who they are, where they are and what they do, but not only. There is no single type of buyer persona. This is why from time to time and depending on the product or message to be conveyed, the ideal will be to separate the target audience and decide which niche to focus on.

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Talking with people is important and extremely useful for understanding their needs, which is why it may be useful to send simple questionnaires via email to get a clearer picture. The monitoring of insights relating to the presence on social media as well as the control of analytics relating to the website can be of great help in defining the target. You will discover useful information regarding geographical position, age, interests and budget available but not only.

Buyer personas and content marketing strategy: things to know

We mentioned the importance that the focus of buyer personas covers on the dissemination of ad hoc content (website, social media, and company blog). The content marketing strategy aims to always acquire new customers and retain them by offering information and material tailored to the specific needs of a target audience. The moment in which the choice of content takes place is really crucial: sharing incorrect info can create traffic not interested in carrying out the conversion.


In order for the traffic generated to be of quality and not generic, it is necessary to create and disseminate ad hoc content that is engaging for a certain type of people (those interested in buying). Ok to the publication of quality content, always and as a general rule. However, this alone is not enough: it is necessary to understand who are the people to whom it is addressed, what they need and what problems they have to solve.
It is always good to proceed with the identification of at least 3-5 buyer personas, but no more. This will allow you not to complicate or make things too generic.

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What can we do for you?

If you want to know more or are interested in a   high quality social media marketing service on Instagram ,  zoobledigital.com  is the digital PR ,  link building ,  SEO  and  brand reputation  (online reputation) agency that can best support  your idea of digital business  and follow you  step by step  to maximize it, increasing revenues.


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