
Brand Naming What it is and How it Helps Your Business 

 March 15, 2020

It is when the name is decided that the brand comes to life. Until a moment before this crucial step, there is still no business: it is simply not recognizable. The step to which we are referring technically takes the name of ‘naming’: it is the distinctive trait that makes the brand – or even a single product to be launched – unique and unrepeatable compared to all the other competitors. It is necessary to be extremely original and, above all, to be able to ‘play’ with the rhetorical figures, creating easily identifiable synergies. The beginning of the naming phase it also marks the start of a close collaboration, destined to last until the end of the project: it begins with a brief together with the client, clarifying that there are some rules to be respected to make the choice of the name efficient.


Brand naming, the rules for making the best performing choice

The name should be short, a couple of words at most and easy to pronounce. Originality and ambitiousness, especially when translating into other languages, are essential traits to make a certain name suitable for business. Which will have to convey a sense of positivity, fueling the imagination and facilitating the associations of ideas. Like? Thanks to the rhetorical figures, which, as mentioned, play an essential role. The association between the brand and the name must be strong, to allow a correct differentiation from other competing brands. As diversity increases, there will be greater recognition.

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Rhetorical figures and graphic improvement

The brand naming operation takes place only once but it is decisive: the chosen name is inextricably combined with the brand and is transformed into the element that is most able to capitalize on its value. In fact, it is impossible to think of a successful brand without its name materializing in our minds, which must also be studied and perfected from a graphic point of view. Among the rhetorical figures most appreciated and used in the brand naming phase, at least three must be indicated. It is metonymy (we are talking about the territory to which a product belongs, such as Chianti); onomatopoeia (a particular sound is played); the acronym (the set of letters of several words, such as RAI).


Brand naming, the sound of the name helps the storytelling phase

Choosing a strong name from a phonics point of view may be the winning choice. Each name, with its very special ‘sound’, will in fact be able to convey a specific message by exploiting the specific linguistic form. The mix of these elements will clearly bring out the intrinsic meaning of the brand itself: this is how the storytelling phase is made performing, perfectly capable of ‘designing’ the identity of the brand. And even as the business proceeds with its natural evolution, always linked to the fate of the market and the related results, there will be an immutable element that will act as a guiding light. It is precisely the name, a perfect synthesis of the brand and custodian of its history: it is the focal point of any marketing strategy. This is why, over the years, its value may increase, representing a company capital, an intangible asset to be included in the balance sheet.

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What can we do for you?

If you want to know more or are interested in a   high quality social media marketing service on Instagram ,  zoobledigital.com  is the digital PR ,  link building ,  SEO  and  brand reputation  (online reputation) agency that can best support  your idea of digital business  and follow you  step by step  to maximize it, increasing revenues.

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