
Blog Post the Guide (in 10 points) to Create Perfect and Performing Articles 

 August 19, 2020

Knowing how to write is one thing, knowing how to write well is another, and knowing how to write perfect blog posts on the SEO side, engaging and successful yet another!

Posts – or articles – are the “metabolism” of a blog, its life and energy, and thanks to their positioning in the serp, they can be found, read and shared by thousands of people, thus generating for the author visibility, link earning, and contacts and in many cases even earnings.

It is therefore extremely important to know how to write successful blog posts, which attract the attention of users, which are easily read and which effectively solve the need of those who clicked.


In this way you can aspire to become authoritative in your reference niche, be recognized as a reliable source and therefore trustworthy; the best for those who want to invest time (a lot) and money (not necessarily a lot) to have a large following as a blogger.

It is therefore important to start from an excellent keywords research for the creation of a complete editorial calendar, which goes to meet the search intent already with an optimized title on the SEO side.

But on how an editorial plan of periodical publications for a blog is created, we have already talked about it here; now we’re going to focus specifically on the composition of the article.

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Blog post: the guide (in 10 points) to create perfect and performing articles

Here is a quick and essential roundup of 10 fundamental points to make your blog post truly perfect and performing:

  1. For the title, think about intriguing users with an eye to SEO;
  2. The body of the article must be very thorough ( evergreen contents better than the average of those already published by other bloggers on the same topic), original, well written and without grammar errors; if necessary, to give completeness, insert links to further information, pdf files, graphics and tables;
  3. If possible, divide your content into subtitles, creating a short index at the beginning of the article with links that refer to the various topics covered; in this way it will be easier for the user to find what he is looking for immediately;
  4. Make use of bulleted (or numbered) lists that simplify reading and give rhythm, also facilitating comprehension;
  5. Use beautiful and engaging images, possibly original, and remember to fill in the “alt” tag;
  6. If you can also insert a video (or an audio file) that completes the information already provided with the text, in order to increase the time spent on the page;


  1. Optimize all content on the SEO side, focusing each element of your blog post on a main keyword and other related keywords (without exaggerating in repetitions)
  2. If you use your articles to generate contacts or to monetize, insert within the text some calls-to-action that are graphically pleasing, non-intrusive and that stimulate the reader to click;
  3. Invite to share! The fuel of your articles are social sharing, which can bring it to the attention of users that otherwise you would never have been able to reach, thus generating a considerable surplus of traffic;
  4. Finally, optimize your article also from a technical point of view: loading speed, structured data and a cover image of at least 1200 pixels for Discover are really essential!
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