
9 Effective Ways You Can Boost Instagram Engagement With Reels 

 October 28, 2022

Do you know that about 91% of active Instagram users watch videos every week? In addition, the most popular Instagram real has more than 289 views. Instagram Reels offer a perfect place you can share short and fun content.

Reels can also give the audience unrehearsed peeks of your brand or services.

Do you plan to use Instagram in your social media strategy? Reel videos use a casual format, which saves you the intense editing process. You can use an editing tool with promo video templates to create quality reels.

Here are essential tips you can use to enhance engagement through Instagram Reels.

Best Tips to Boost Engagement Using Instagram Reels

Pay Attention to Your Audio

Instagram’s algorithms prefer content with more than images, and audio is a good option. Adding greater audio to your reels makes them more effective.

Audio captures viewers’ attention faster, making them watch your videos. Your online content’s visibility also increases when you add music to your reels.

Ensure you pick the right song that matches the tone and message of your video. Besides attracting attention, you will set the right mood to watch by adding attractive audio. Videos with audio engage your audience more and derive your message faster.

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The Instagram audio library has good music you can use. You need to keep in mind the length of reels when choosing audio. Instagram Reels are short, and you need to pick the best section of the track you want to play in the reels.

You can also create your music and add it to reels.

Reward Followers

You can generate loyalty from the audience by rewarding them. Many internet users will come back to watch your videos on a regular basis when you reward them.

You may offer an occasional discount code, which leads to more repetitive engagement. Creating exclusive offers can attract more visitors and enhance engagement.

Do you have an Instagram brand store? If yes, tag products in your video. That allows you to promote offers with the products right under the buyer’s fingertips. Even the smallest offers can greatly enhance your Instagram reel engagement.

You can also direct your customers to the eCommerce store or sell directly through the Instagram app.

Posting Timings

When do many of your followers come online? Use Instagram analytics and identify the times when your posts engage most. The engagement rate is higher when most of your followers are active.

You would be offering new content, and your viewers will watch and share, increasing engagement further.

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Posting your Instagram Reels between 9 am -4 pm is ideal for getting more views. Many people who are free on weekends have time to use their phones. That means you will reach a wider audience with your Instagram Reels if you post on the weekends.

Engage With Your Audiences

Do you market your brand using Instagram videos? You’ll get many comments, likes, and inboxes when you post videos. Replying and liking comments is a great way to enhance engagement.

Check the comments and likes on your last reel and respond. Then post your new reel. Your followers get a notification about your responses and return to your profile. From there, they can watch your latest video, which enhances engagement.

An online movie maker tool will help you create the quality Instagram Reels you need. The editing tool can cut your long videos into shorter content. Remember, Instagram Reels should be up 90 seconds.

Make sure to post quality content to attract viewers once they return to your profile. Add Sweet and Short Captions to Your Reels

Your Instagram Reels will engage more with good captions.

Your audience may be hard of hearing and may not understand what your video says. Or, you could have followers who don’t share the same language with you. So, adding captions to your Instagram Reels enables such audiences to understand your content.

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Many people also prefer to watch or scroll Instagram feeds with sound off. With Instagram reel caption, those who love watching with the sound off engage with your content.

However, make your captions sweet and short. If you use auto-generated captions, correct any mistake you find for clarity. To easily add caption stickers to your reels, try using the Instagram reels maker.

Share Your Reels to the Instagram Feed

Sharing your Instagram Reels to your feed sounds simple. But you shouldn’t overlook it when seeking to promote more engagement. The more people see your content, the wider the engagement.

When posting reels, Instagram allows you an option to share the video to the main feed. You’ll have more people seeing your reel when you post it to the feed.

Also, share your reel in the stories section. That way, more eyes will be on your reels, which promotes greater engagement.

Be Consistent in Posting New Reels

Posting new reels consistently keeps your audience informed. You’ll gain recognition in your field as a thought leader by showing up often.

Avoid keeping your followers waiting for new content for long. Otherwise, they will opt for competitors’ content. Come up with a posting schedule. Then create quality content.

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Once you post valuable Instagram Reels, your audience will remain waiting for the new reels. You can create a buzz by hinting when and what you will post next.

Remember, consistency in posting gives you a chance to go viral.

Use Attractive Transitions in Your Instagram Reels

How you edit your content to create Instagram Reels influences engagement. You can keep your followers watching your reels by adding interesting edits and creative transitions to your content.

Reels should be short and fun. But still, you can have reels that show multiple scenes in a video. Beautiful transitions from one scene to the next keep your audience glued to watch.

Ensure you maintain your video within the standard length of 90 seconds. Using an online movie maker, you’ll be able to include top-notch edits and transitions into your reels.

Add Custom Thumbnails to Your Reels

Making attractive thumbnails attracts the audience to watch your videos. Instagram allows you to use new thumbnails for new reels. The still shot on your profile makes it easy to find your content.

Custom thumbnails give the audience a hint of your content before scrolling the reels. Key Takeaway

Instagram Reels are among the new features you can use to enhance engagement. Some main things to keep in mind are:

  • Create quality content offering value to your followers
  • Ensure you post reels often to avoid keeping the audience waiting for long ● Use attractive edits and transitions into your reels to keep followers focused on the video
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If you market your brand using Instagram, you can use the tips above to reach and engage customers through reels.

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