More and more, businesses are beginning to see the value in learning how to become more efficient and innovative, leading to better customer service and greater employee loyalty. But where do you start? If you’re looking for some good information about how to choose the right platform for operational excellence training, here are five questions you should ask when looking at which one will be best suited to your needs.
Traditional learning delivery
Learn-by-doing is all fine and good, but in many industries, it’s not quite enough. For instance, if you want to become a certified hairdresser in Ontario, you need a minimum of two years of on-the-job experience before enrolling in any kind of formal training program. Even after that formal training program is completed, you must complete one year of apprentice work under another hairdresser who has been licensed for at least three years. You may try casino en ligne en france.
Learning content via LMS (Learning Management System)
A learning management system is a powerful tool for education and training. Used properly, it can be a strategic asset in your organization’s capacity-building efforts. There are a lot of excellent LMS systems on the market, with varying levels of support and functionality. Unfortunately, many companies either have an over-complicated system that is difficult to use or they don’t have one at all.
Peer Discussions and Collaborations
Just as you can learn something from everyone on your team, you’re also capable of helping and motivating others in your organization. The conversation doesn’t always have to be about work-related issues. Get out of your role a bit, communicate with different people on your team and discuss topics that matter to them. It will show you understand how they feel, and enable you to relate better as a leader. One idea: host monthly brown bag lunches where employees can bring their lunch or order food together at an affordable rate. Another: set up a social media group so employees can post what’s going on in their lives and share stories outside of work.
In-person hands on training workshops
Whether they’re held at your company or hosted by an outside company, face-to-face workshops can offer a powerful alternative when it comes to operational excellence training. Participating in hands-on exercises will help employees put theory into practice, meaning you can ensure every attendee receives personalized attention. Just be careful; the cost of these events is often high. You may want to consider partnering with other companies like casino australia and sharing costs if you plan on holding multiple workshops throughout the year.
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course)
Coursera and edX are two online learning platforms that host MOOCs on a number of topics. Coursera has partnered with 129 universities and offers courses from 68 schools, including Johns Hopkins University, New York University, Stanford University and The California Institute of Technology. EdX hosts classes from over 90 colleges and universities, including MIT, Harvard University, Rice University and UC Berkeley. These platforms offer courses in everything from computer science to literature.
Learning as a part of everyday job Responsibilities
Employees today can’t escape learning. Today’s global economy, with its intense competition and rapid change, requires us to continually sharpen our knowledge and skills. Fortunately, a wealth of learning opportunities both formal and informal present themselves throughout your professional life. But how do you know which ones will help you achieve your career goals? And what does it mean that some learning opportunities are better than others?