
Learn One of These Languages to Boost Your Career 

 March 9, 2022

Having speakers of other languages in an organisation enables employers to reach a wider customer base. This not only makes them more money but also allows them to establish relationships in sectors and countries that may not have been possible before. It is, therefore, no surprise that the demand for employees speaking a second language is in high demand.

Worried about fitting classes into your busy schedule? Online language learning courses are designed for flexibility. Are you a student looking to increase your employability through a second language? Discounted courses are available all over the net.

Learn one of the 6 languages below and achieve your career goals in 2022.


Spanish is spoken by approximately 559 million people worldwide. Learning Spanish opens career doors not only in Spain but also in North, Central and South America. There are 37.6 million Spanish speakers in the U.S. This number is expected to double by 2050. Spanish is also considered to be one of the best and easiest languages to learn.


German is one of the 3 official languages of the EU. Spoken by 130 million worldwide. It is also the official language in 7 countries. Germany has the highest GDP in Europe. Speaking German could be the key to success, particularly if you are in the research and development fields. Companies value applicants who speak German or have spent time working in the country.

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Arabic countries are some of the richest in the world. The Middle Eastern economy has increased by 120% in the last 5 years. There are approximately 300 million Arabic speakers worldwide and it is the 5th most spoken language globally. The demand for the translation of online content is expected to rise as internet usage increases rapidly. So, if you are looking to boost your content and copywriting work, learn Arabic! Keep in mind, though, that this is one of the hardest languages to learn as an English speaker!


There are over 1 billion Mandarin Chinese speakers globally. Businesses are actively looking to add Mandarin speakers to their teams. China has the world’s leading e-commerce market and Mandarin is the second most popular language amongst internet users. If this trend continues, Mandarin could replace English as the leading language used on the internet. While not the easiest language to learn, this is one of the top languages to boost your career prospects.


Portuguese is the official language in 8 countries and is spoken by approximately 230 million people. The demand for Portuguese is growing in the areas of technology, technical support, finance, exports, tourism and education. More and more organisations continue to set up businesses in Brazil and the popularity of Portuguese continues to grow in Asia and India due to increased diplomatic and economic interrelationships. In terms of difficulty, Portuguese has simpler grammar and sentence structure than English and the accent is easy to pick up.

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French is the official language of the UN, NATO, World Trade Organisation and the International Olympic Committee. It is the official language in 3 of the fastest-growing African economies. Speaking French is particularly important if you are in the tourism, fashion, arts and theatre industries. As a native English speaker, French is not that difficult to learn. The similarities of the 2 languages outweigh the differences.

Set Yourself Apart…

And start learning a second language. Choose from a variety of different online courses to suit your schedule, needs and business and watch your career prospects soar. And with many providers using gamification, animation and eye-catching materials, online language learning has never been so much fun.

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