
Fundamentals of News Writing | News Writing Process 

 August 1, 2021

Fundamentals of News Writing | News Writing Process

News writing is a continuous process, there are some ways, but a good journalist must incorporate the uniqueness of his style in it, so that he looks something different. It demands physical, mental and emotional labor. Writing good news does not come immediately, generally this process is very slow and time consuming, a new journalist should not be afraid of all these things but should face such situations. In literary form it is the result of sweating blood.

Fundamentals of News Writing

The following are the basic principles of news writing, but these are only the determining elements to say that the entire news writing is based on these principles only

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1. Writing in simple words and sentences

The best principle to achieve clarity should be simplicity or simplicity in writing. Simple writing will be helpful for a student of journalism or for newcomers in this field. Some people think that big and difficult words will attract the reader but in reality it is the opposite. Writing five sentences in simple words is better than writing one difficult sentence. Therefore, news writing should be done in simple sentences only. Long sentences confuse readers.

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2. Less words should be used

– Most of the journalists use too many words in their report. “Ram and Shyam got into a fierce fight today” this sentence can also be written in such a way that “Ram and Shyam got into a fight today”. There is no substitute for straight and simple writing, a good news writer should always try to avoid laconic language and should not feel arrogant in writing.

3. No particular technical style should use

Each different group has some different technical language which has understood only by the person of that particular game like cricket player can understand mid point and Google not tennis player.

Therefore, this word or word remains limited to only a few people. An ideal writer should not use these words or words because their use area is limited and the other reader feels cumbersome in reading due to not understanding them. If these specific words have to be used, then their meaning should make clear in simple language. The aim of a good news writer should be to spread the message to all the groups in an uninterrupted manner i.e. it should not tie in any way. Excessive use of any word have avoid and written in such a way or news does not come in the category of good news.

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4. Avoid the use of adjectives

The use of adjectives and adverbs unexpected in news writing. A good journalist should structure his sentences around nouns and verbs. The use of adjectives often reduces the intensity of a reporter’s message. The fact to keep in mind is that the use of ‘adjective’ and ‘adverb’ limits our thinking. Whereas action is the expansion of our thinking ability, due to which writing ability also increases.

5. Consistency in the formation of words

We have often heard that writing should have good stitching, that is, the way a cloth looks good if it is stitched well, in the same way if a good idea is sewn well If not written, it will seem very cumbersome to read, it will lack both coherence and attractiveness. A good reporter should follow mental discipline and remove his mistakes by reading his copy thoroughly otherwise readers will reject your article or news, for them the name of the correspondent does not mean but it means that he is a good writer. is or bad.

6. Avoid repetition

News should neither contain repetition of facts nor the words used in them, such mistakes create disorientation in the news.

7. Do not give place to useless words

unnecessary words should not give place in the news copy, words which used in colloquial but less in writing, they should give equal importance but such words which used more in Lakhan But less in speech, they should definitely take out of the news copy. E.g. Ram and Shyam, in addition though, however, etc.

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8. There should be objectivity

If news does not have objectivity then it can be anything but not news. Objectivity is the soul of news.

If news writing is done following these principles, then there is no doubt that it will definitely be successful in its purpose, but for this it requires a lot of hard work and dedication.

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Reflecting on the principle of news writing

The American journalist Mr. Joseph Pulizer has laid down the following principles


Accuracy is of special importance in news writing. It means that the news which has written clearly in a straight and straight manner without any ambiguity. There should not be any artificiality in this and imaginary basis should not be assumed.


The size of the news should determine on the basis of its importance. It is not that the news which does not have any special purpose or is not famous or lacks generality, such news is not necessary to spread. News should always be brief. Keeping in mind the importance and quality of ‘news’, it is an art to present it in minimal words. Conciseness is the first condition of news writing. A person who is ignorant of the merits of summarization will certainly not be a good news writer.

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There should also be interest in the news. If the news lacks interest, it will become dull. No one will be interested in reading or listening to him. Therefore, the news has to make interesting according to the public interest.

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