
Instagram Story Tips and Techniques: You Must Know 

 June 22, 2021

Instagram Story Tips and Techniques

In this era of social networking, Instagram has surely developed a strong place. It has more than 1 billion monthly vigorous handlers. For many, it has become a favorite social network. It is popular and also provides entrepreneurs and businesses with a platform for marketing and advertising opportunities.

Instagram added the stories feature in 2016. Since then, the application has added many additional features to provide users with more tools for better engagement. More than 500 million individuals are consuming Instagram stories.

If you are also trying to make your Instagram Story pop, you can avail creative writing services for this purpose. You can check out the Instagram pages of very popular businesses and influencers who have millions of followers. Want to impress your friends and boost the number of your followers? Do you have a business and desire to upsurge its engagement level?

Here are some tips that can help you in producing amazing Instagram Stories that not only attract followers but also helps in enhancing engagement and connectivity. As Instagram is updating and adding new features constantly, it is a challenge to stay on top of all features. Try to be creative, artistic, and fun. 

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Tips and Techniques for Instagram Stories 

Instagram Stories have significantly altered the way people use social networking applications. It is benefiting in breaking down the barriers and sharing more appealing and behind-the-scenes content. It has improved the connectivity between corporations and people.

Do you know how much this casual story-sharing is helpful? It generates deeper engagement. The monthly active users watch these stories daily.

Some tips and techniques are given below:

  • Paste Photos on Your Stories
  • You can add multiple and extra images in a single story. You can also add GIFs from the GIF library. All you need to do is copy an image from the camera roll.
  • Directly copying and pasting photos to the stories can save time.

Some of the helpful tip and tricks for successful Instagram stories are presented here:

  • Use a Patterned Backgroundpatterned-background-on-instagram

A custom background is not compulsory. However, it adds some extra spice and beauty to your content. When adding a post to your story,

When adding a post to your story, stretch the picture to the whole screen. Open camera roll and add a patterned background that suits your post. Upload the story ensuring that it looks appealing and conveys your message.

If you check out stories of famous Instagram influencers, you will see the solid color background. It makes the text readable and also makes the images presentable. Instagram provides access to many colors. Check and find your brand hues. You can choose to get funky or keep it decent.

  • Add Links to your Story

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This piece is only accessible if you have more than 10,000 followers. You can add links to the brands, products, or anything. Your followers can simply click on it. It boosts engagement and increases the number of clicks.

An IGTV video link can also be added. When adding a link, Instagram provides a call-to-action added message. You can edit the link before finally uploading it.

Here is a trick to add a link even when you don’t have more than 10,000 followers. Just create a quick IGTV video. Add its title and ask people to tap on it. Then the followers can get the link.

  • Live Photos and Boomerangs


You can convert your life photos into Boomerangs. Yes, Instagram provides this feature for the stories.

If you wish to gain benefit from this aspect, make definite the photo was taken within the last 24 hours. Or else, it won’t work. All you need to do is open stories, swipe up, and choose a live photo from the camera roll.

  • Optimize your Image Size

On Instagram, you can take photos directly in the Stories editor or you can choose to import pictures. Stories Editor helps with the right editing. You won’t have to resize these images. It will create photos of 1080px by 1920x.

If you take the photo in the camera app, additional editing tools will be available. You can also take benefit of some astounding editing apps. However, these images must be resized when uploading them.

Still, want to use other editing apps? Use Color Story, VSCO, Tezza, or Afterlight. These are some wonderful apps. On the flip side, Instagram also provides some editing tools. You can adjust the lighting and focal points. Add text, stickers, and GIFs. All this can benefit in optimizing the look of the image.

  • Use Different Fonts and Text Formats
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Want to add text to your Instagram story? Experiment with different text formats.

To begin with, add an image or a video. Then, tap anywhere on the screen. It will allow you to add text.

On Instagram, you’ll find five font styles.

  • Classic
  • Neon
  • Strong
  • Modern
  • Typewriter

Choose the color and style of font that keeps up with the background color. Also, format the text box. Choose the alignment, centered, right, or left.

Remember, you can also modify the quantity of text. It must fit the aesthetics to look appealing and visible. An emoji can also be added. To add glow, Neon font should be chosen.

  • Check out the Fun Accessories

Instagram is full of colors and features. Every time you want to put up a story, you can experiment with new features and accessories.

Have you chosen your images, colors, and text? Now you can try some additional features to spice and spruce up your stories. Swipe up to check this out. More options will pop on the screen. You can choose any of these:

  • Location
  • Music
  • Polls
  • Countdown
  • Hashtag
  • Chat
  • Stickers
  • Time

Many more options are available. For an interactive engagement, you can add questions. Allow your followers to ask questions, and answer them in a live session. Or, put up stories with answers.

Instagram influencers have claimed that quizzes, polls, and questions drive engagement. These are valuable tools that allow direct interaction with followers.

You must know that recently, Instagram has collaborated with Spotify. Now, you can also add music to your stories.

Here is a pro tip: Progression posts increase engagement. Try out the additional features. More than one element can be inserted. It will add a cool effect.

  • Repost Instagram Stories
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Posting and reposting lead to higher reach. Do you have other public accounts? Repost your stories from those accounts.

If you want better reach and engagement, you can add the share tab underneath your image. This is a famous strategy used by many influencers. If you wish to link with customers, do a giveaway on the post. Request your followers to share your story or post and tag their contacts.

At the present you can share the feed post to your story.

Finals Thoughts

Instagram stories are getting more interactive and creative. The upgrades in AR filters, templates, animations and story stickers are some features to play with. You can test with these to make your stories. New aspects are nerve-wracking and thrilling. 

Instagram is a well-known picture and video sharing app. The stories feature was added to improve engagement and ensure higher reach. If you have a business or you intend to be an influencer, study the features of Instagram. If used wisely, the app offers outstanding and commendable features to connect with the audience.

It’s not only about uploading a picture or a story. There’s a lot more to it. When sharing stories, doing it the right way can help in conveying the message effectively.

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