My dog, a short-haired dachshund named Lucy, is prone to sunburns. I didn’t realize this until one day several years ago when she caught me off guard by leaping onto the couch and planting her nose right on my sunburned shoulder. Her nose was so cold that I jerked away in surprise and yelped in pain. Her poor little nose!
It turned out she had a pretty severe case of sunburn. This was a minor issue compared to what you might have faced if your dog had suffered from other common nose conditions. This blog post will explore signs that indicate that your dog’s nose may need attention.
Crusty Sores
Crusty sores are a common problem for dogs, and they can appear anywhere on the nose. The most common cause of crusty sores is abrasion from licking. But they can also be caused by other problems, such as bacterial infections or allergies.
If your dog has crusty sores on his skin, it’s essential to treat him quickly so that the injury doesn’t worsen or lead to complications like infection. To start treating crusty sores:
- Take your pet to the vet if you suspect that he has an underlying condition that might be causing his injuries.
- Clean off any dried blood from around your pet’s nose with a warm washcloth and gently pat dry with another piece of cloth, so it doesn’t irritate him further.
- Apply an antibiotic ointment or cream directly onto the affected areas several times daily until all signs disappear. This may take up to two weeks, depending on the severity of damage done by licking behavior! It’s important because scratching causes inflammation, and bacteria thrive in moist environments like mucous membranes.
Bloody Nose
Nosebleeds can be a sign of a severe problem. Blood is never good news for your pooch, especially when it’s dripping from the nostrils. Nosebleeds can occur for various reasons, including infections, allergies, foreign bodies, and trauma.
Infection is one of the most common causes of nosebleeds in dogs. Infections are usually caused by viruses or bacteria that enter through an open wound on the skin’s surface inside their noses. When this occurs, white blood cells will rush into their noses to fight off the invader but may cause slight bleeding until they can completely eliminate it from their body.
If you see blood dripping from your pet’s nose, take it to a vet. Usually, it won’t be expensive, but based on the medication, it might cost you some bucks. However, an easy way to save money is to buy the medicines from an online store like PetCareRX. Unlike vets, online pharmacies can buy medication in bulk and at wholesale price, which allows them to offer you discounts on medicines.
Leaking Pus
If your dog has difficulty breathing, it could be a sign that he’s got an infection. You might see abscesses or pockets of pus on his nose or eyes, which is another possible sign of an infection.
Pus is highly contagious, so if you see it on your dog’s body, clean it with warm water and soap. Be careful not to let infected areas touch other parts of your dog’s body before they are cleaned thoroughly.
Dry and Cracked Nose
If your dog’s nose is dry and cracked, it can mean an overall lack of moisture in the air. Allergies or a dry environment could cause this. Depending on where you live, your dog may be exposed to more or less humidity than other dogs in different climates.
If your dog has a lot of allergies, they will produce more mucus than usual to lubricate their eyes and nose so they can breathe better through their nostrils. Mucus tends to be sticky because it dries out quickly when exposed to air; therefore, if you find yourself cleaning up snotty tissues every day after work, the chances are good that something is wrong with your pup’s nose!
The second cause of dryness is related to climate. When the weather is cold, your dog’s nose can get dry soon. Even your 24/7 running heating system might not be able to provide appropriate canine comfort.
Wrinkles Around the Nose
If you’re seeing wrinkles around your dog’s nose or mouth, it could be a sign of aging. This is because older dogs often have wrinkly skin, and sometimes the skin on their nose may appear too loose. However, this can also occur with younger dogs with dry or frozen noses. It can also happen if your pup has been out in the cold for too long without proper protection for its face!
It’s essential to keep an eye out for other signs of health problems as well if you notice wrinkles forming around your dog’s face, such as:
- Lack of appetite
- Drooling excessively
- Sores on the gums that won’t heal
Strong Odors From Your Dog’s Nose
If you notice that your dog’s nose smells bad, pay attention. The scent of a healthy dog should be mild and not unpleasant—it should smell like a dog! Dogs’ noses are wet and warm, so it makes sense that they will be prone to collecting bacteria if left unwashed. If your dog’s nose is dry and clean, it’s probably fine. However, any moisture or other discharge on their nostrils could be a sign of infection or injury in the nose itself.
Wiping the Nose on the Floor
You may notice your dog wiping his nose on the floor if it’s dry and he’s trying to lubricate it. If this is the case, you can help by giving him some wet food or adding water to his dry food. The other possible reason for this behavior is an infection, which is also something you should bring up with your vet right away.
If you notice your dog’s nose is crusty or red and sneezing, it could indicate that they have a foreign body in the nose. If left untreated, this can lead to secondary infections and even damage the nasal septum. For your vet to correctly identify the problem and prescribe an appropriate treatment plan, they’ll need to take a sample of the discharge from your dog’s nose. They will also explain how to care for them at home until their symptoms subside.