
10 Essential Tips for Class 6 Olympiad Exam Preparation 

 December 6, 2021

Even though the class 6 Olympiad is held at both the national and international level there is no significant difference in the difficulty of the questions. The most popular and probably the most useful Olympiad series among students of class 6 are conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF), they conduct six olympiads in total, namely, the National Cyber Olympiad, the International Mathematics Olympiad, the International Commerce Olympiad, the National Science Olympiad, the International English Olympiad, and the International General Knowledge Olympiad.

As the level of problems asked in the Olympiad exams is much higher than the ones asked in, students need to prepare separately for them and not just rely on their school exams prep. As the preparation can often be rigorous, students look to find some shortcuts in helping them do well with some time saved. So we are bringing 10 essential tips to help the students in strategizing their preparation for the Class 6 Olympiad Exam.

1. Begin the preparation as soon as possible

The class olympiad exams are not going to be like regular school examinations where students can score very well by just studying a day before the exam. Students need to start their preparation at the earliest which not only gives them more time to cover the topics more thoroughly and practice more questions, it also gives them an extra edge over other students appearing in the exam who might start their preparation comparatively late.

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2. Make a proper schedule

This is a point you must have read multiple times in an article about any time-binding task. Concerning the class 6 olympiad exams, students need to ensure they know the syllabus very well and then plan out every day in a way that they’ll be able to finish the syllabus in time. Making a proper schedule helps pre-define your preparation path which will avoid any hassles and panic situations towards the end. In the schedule, make sure that you are leaving the last month or two for revision.

3. Study with an intent to learn instead of remembering

Students should keep in mind that they must not try to remember the content while preparing for class 6 olympiad exams. While this remembering trick might help them score well in the school exams, this will hinder their performance massively in the olympiad exams as they are based on the application of knowledge based on critical thinking problems and not just direct questions from the content. They should also cover all the concepts as many questions in olympiads require the understanding of multiple concepts to solve them.

4. Practice lots of Logical reasoning problems

This is a section many students tend to ignore while preparing for the class 6 olympiad exams as they think these questions will be of common sense. However, that is not the case and the logical reasoning section can turn out to be a pretty difficult deal for many students. To practice that, we recommend solving as many problems based on logical reasoning from various sources and also from the previous year’s papers.

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5. Clear your doubts

Students might be hesitant to go to their school teachers for asking doubts based on their olympiad exams but there is nothing wrong in asking. Sometimes the teachers can be rude but the students should not be disheartened by the behavior of the few as most of them are pleased to help. Students can also always look up on the internet for their doubts as the internet has almost everything.

6. Practice sample papers

It is really important to be aware of the pattern of the exam you are going to appear in. Practicing lots of sample papers helps students in doing not only that but also helps in the revision of the topics and in strengthening their weak points. The class 6 olympiads sample papers are widely available online. You can also lookup the IMO Maths Olympiad Sample Question Paper Class 6 for the sample paper for IMO class 6.

7. Prepare  yourself for the exam day

One of the most efficient ways of doing this is practicing the sample papers or mock tests at the same time as when your actual exam is going to be. This helps in developing the brain in such a way that the thinking skills will peak at the period your class 6 olympiad exam is going to happen. Along with this, try living your days with the schedule you are going to follow on the exam day to help prepare your body both mentally and physically.

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8. Exploit the resources available online

There are a plethora of different resources for the class 6 olympiad exams available online for free and you should make sure to make the best use out of it.  You are most certainly expected to find the answer to any doubt you have online. There are loads of sample papers and previous year papers which you can access at will. There are also lots of questions available which can be used for practice.

9. Revise meticulously in the final days

We have already talked about keeping the last month or two free for revision, now it is time to talk about how to use that time. You must spend a lot of time revising all the topics in the syllabus you have covered. Start with the topics you feel are your weakest points and try to get your knowledge in them at the same level as your strengths.

10. Take extra care of your physical as well as your mental health

This is a very important point as you should never indulge in anything in such a way that it directly or indirectly hampers your health. While preparing for your class 6 olympiads, make sure to eat healthy things and get proper sleep. Take frequent breaks and never put too much pressure on yourselves as at the end of the day, this is just class 6 and it is just a way of preparing yourself for the future classes and does not hold any significance on its own. So it is perfectly fine if you are not able to perform well, you just need to learn from the experience.

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