Have you got camping gear that really needs replacing, but you keep using it because you can do without the stress and aggravation of a time-consuming trip to a store? If so, then you’re not on your own, as no one really needs the hassle these days, but it doesn’t have to be that way when you find the right website to buy from.
Maybe you’ve got a sleeping bag that has seen better days or a cooking stove that doesn’t work quite as well as it used to. Either way, when you shop online, get greater convenience, but it does rest upon how wisely you choose your vendor.
So, What Kind of Selection Should There Be?
When looking for the best retailer to kit you out for your camping escapades, what they need to provide is a categorised below. At the end, we’ll be telling you about the specific vendor we’re talking about, but before the big reveal, let’s take a look at what a good retailer will have…
- Survival & First Aid Gear – the outdoors can be tricky sometimes, so you need to know that you’re prepared for the terrain you might face. So, one category or product that should be on offer are things like compasses, emergency blankets, fire starters and first aid kits.
- Camping Essentials – the next group of products you’ll find on any good camping gear website are those designed to make things more comfortable – and just a tad more like home. So, we’re talking about hammocks, foldable camping furniture and solar showers.
- Cooking Equipment – next up we have products that make sure you eat well while you’re away. Cast iron cutlery/bowls, stoves & grills, freeze dried food, seasonings and more. No one said food had to be tasteless when you’re out in the wilderness, right?
- Sleeping Gear – another crucial element to consider when out camping is your sleeping comfort, so it goes without saying that any good camping supplies company is going to have a range of cots, hammocks, sleeping bags and air mattresses. You also need to know that what you buy will stand the test of time.
- Ample storage – you may be out in the great outdoors for some time, so you need also to know that you have plenty of storage for your perishables – like fresh food. That’s why a reputable camping website will cater for it by offering coolers, dry bags, day packs and duffle bags.
Have You Worked Out Which Vendor It Is Yet?
If you’re still wracking your brain about which particular website we’re talking about that offers all the above and more, then it’s time to put you out of your misery. The vendor in question is Fin Feather Fur and it’s important to say that this endorsement is based solely on our own experiences as a customer.
We’ve found them to be affordable, responsive to queries, happy to provide lots of advice and their selection….just wow! They offer quality AND quantity, as many of their lines are from major manufacturers. What’s more, camping is just one of their product categories, with fishing, shooting, hunting, outdoor clothing and much more than we have space to tell you about here.
If you have one takeaway from reading this blog it’s this : don’t put up with worn or ineffective camping gear when there are so many great products available at your fingertips.