
How to crack UPSC Civil Services Interview round? 

 November 26, 2021

Union Public Service Commission Civil Services Exam is considered one of the most competitive exams in the country. The candidates are selected for the civil service posts based on their performance in the prelims, mains exam followed by interview round. More than 10 lakhs of people apply for this exam annually, but only a few thousand could reach the interview round and out of them only a tiny fraction ace the interview round. The UPSC Civil Services Interview round is the third and final round that stands in the way of the selection of the candidates. The performance of the candidates in the mains and interview round decides the final rank in the selection list. The candidates should go through the GS Paper 4 syllabus and other mains subject syllabus before starting the preparation to perform well in the mains exam. We have shared below the best preparation tips to crack the UPSC Civil Services Interview round with the best ranks.

Sign up on the relevant mock interview

Practice for any competitive exam is incomplete without enrolling in the mock interview. Candidates should attend at least 4 to 5 mock interviews and enhance the level of preparation based on the feedback of the experts before appearing for the actual UPSC Civil Services Interview round. Rehearse repeatedly till you gain confidence in yourself and others with the answers. By enrolling in the mock interviews, you will get an idea of the type of UPSC Interview Questions asked in this round and prepare yourself accordingly.

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Give attention to the Detailed Application Form

After submitting the online application form of UPSC civil services, the candidates should take the printout of the detailed application form for reference purposes. They should go through their detailed application form several times as most of the questions asked in the interview round will be based on DAF. They should pay extra attention to the areas like educational qualification, previous work experience, hobbies & passion, preferences, etc. Thus, candidates should submit correct details in the application form as contradictory statements can reduce their chances of qualifying in the interview round.

Work on your Personality

Candidates are advised to work on their personality, appearance, body language and body posture, etc as they will be assessed on the basis of this in the interview round. They are advised to greet the panelist, maintain eye contact with them, listen to them very carefully and stay calm & composed during the entire interview round.

Stay updated with the Current Affairs

Candidates should stay updated with the current affairs as most of the questions are asked in prelims, mains, and interview rounds. They should read newspapers, economic surveys, and India yearbooks carefully and prepare handwritten notes for them to be familiar with the current happenings around the world which includes national & international news, government policies, elections, and so on. The interview panelists can ask questions about the news that appeared in the last few days in the newspaper. In addition to this, they should also revise current affairs of the last six months for better results.

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Keep up the confidence

One of the most important interview tips is that the candidates should be confident and have faith in their abilities in front of the interview panelists. If you don’t know the answer, then don’t get nervous or stressed as you can politely say you don’t know. It is less possible to know the answer to every question asked in the interview round. Just stay calm and feel relaxed and things will fall into place.


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